Social Media Policy
The Business recognizes that social media use is widespread and that employees use social media to communicate and interact with others. The Social Media Policy (the “Policy”) is intended to safeguard our brand’s reputation and encourage employees to use social media responsibly by setting out expectations around proper online conduct.
This Policy applies to all employees of the Business.
For the purposes of this policy,
“Social Media” means forms of electronic communication (such as websites for social networking and microblogging) through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content; includes but is not limited to LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Tik Tok and any other similar means of communication.
“Use” Includes posting content or viewing the posts of others, sending/reading messages, watching videos, and any other similar use by means of computer, mobile phone, or any other device.
“Sensitive, Private, or Confidential Business Information” means Information, knowledge, or data of any nature and in any form relating to the past, current, or prospective business or operations of the Business that, at the time(s) concerned, is non-public information.
Employees are prohibited from using social media during working hours and may only do so during their approved breaks or unless otherwise authorized by their manager.
When using social media (whether during approved breaks or outside of work), employees must conduct themselves in accordance with the following rules and expectations:
Be aware that others will associate you with your employer when you identify yourself as such.
Do not post or share comments about a co-worker, client, or contractor/vendor that could be perceived as offensive, harassing, threatening, retaliatory, or discriminatory.
Do not post or share sensitive, private, or confidential Business information.
Do not express opinions which claim to be the opinion of the Business. Any personal blogs should contain a disclaimer that the views expressed on it are personal views of the author only.
Do not post or share comments representing your own views about the Business.
Do not upload photographs to social networking sites of yourself or any other employee taken in a work situation or in a work uniform.
Respect client privacy. Never give out personal client information.
Ensure that you are always complying with your employment contract, Employee Handbook, and all other policies of the Business.
Even if you act with the best intentions, remember that anything you put on social media can potentially harm the Business.
Always respect others. Do not use ethnic slurs, personal insults, obscenity, or engage in any conduct that would not be acceptable in our workplace. Show proper consideration for the privacy of others and for topics that may be considered objectionable or inflammatory (like religion or politics).
You may be legally responsible for the content you post, so respect brands, trademarks, and copyrights. Remember that social media sites and applications have access to and control over everything you have disclosed to or on that site or application. Any information might be turned over to law enforcement without your consent or knowledge.
Use strict privacy settings on all social network profiles.
Always exercise caution and common sense. If you are unsure whether a post is appropriate, speak to your manager.
If you accidentally put the Business’s reputation at risk, or if you fall prey to an online attack, inform your manager immediately.
The Business may monitor your internet usage regularly and may undertake more in-depth monitoring where considered necessary. This includes monitoring the websites you visit, and any other matters referred to in this Policy.
Contraventions of the Policy may lead to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.