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Discipline Policy

The Business is committed to fair and constructive treatment of unacceptable work performance. The following progressive discipline process will, where appropriate, be carried out with the intent of improving employeebehavior and/or performance.


The employee’s manager is responsible for promptly identifying and responding to any unsatisfactory conduct or performance by the employee. Before initiating our progressive discipline process, the manager shall first communicate our expectations to the employee both verbally and in writing so that the employee is fully aware of the standards expected of him or her and that failure to comply with those standards will result in discipline.


If the employee’s performance continues to fall short of acceptable standards or if the employee commits a serious initial act of misconduct, such as violating the rules set out in this policy, the employee’s supervisor shall initiate the progressive discipline policy, which involves a verbal warning, a written warning, and a

dismissal if management deems appropriate.

Step One: Verbal Warning

The employee’s manager shall meet privately with the employee to discuss their performance issues and warn the employee that failure to correct their conduct could lead to further discipline up to and including immediate dismissal for cause. The manager shall discuss with the employee ways to bring about improvements in the employee’s performance and schedule a follow-up interview date.

If the Business determines that it is appropriate, the employee will be placed on a performance improvement plan with the aim of helping the employee correct their behaviour and improve their work performance.

Step Two: Written Warning

If an employee’s performance does not improve following Step 1, then the employee shall receive a written warning that their continued misconduct could lead to further disciplinary action up to and including dismissal for cause. The employee’s manager will again discuss with the employee ways to bring about

improvements in the employee’s performance and schedule a follow-up interview date.

If the Business determines that it is appropriate, the employee will be placed on a new or updated performance improvement plan with the aim of helping the employee correct their behaviour and improve their work performance.

Step Three: Dismissal

If the employee’s misconduct continues after Step 2, then the employee will be dismissed.


The Business reserves the right to dismiss an employee prior to carrying out any or all of the steps set out above where, in its sole discretion, we determine that the employee has engaged in serious misconduct – for example, theft, breach of confidentiality, workplace violence, discrimination and/or harassment.

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