Choosing Alternative Transportation
General Principles
Compensation will reflect what the employee would have been paid if they took the employer- provided flight.
The employer is not obligated to cover any additional time or costs incurred due to the employee’s decision to drive.
Travel Time Pay:
travel time is capped at the flight duration (plus reasonable time for pre-flight check-in, security, and ground
Example: If the flight would take 3 hours, and driving takes 8 hours, the employee is compensated for only 3 hours of
travel time, unless the additional driving time is approved in advance.
Expense Reimbursement:
The employee will be reimbursed for mileage at the company’s standard rate of $0.58/km for the direct driving distance
to the site.
Additional costs (e.g., overnight accommodations or meals) are not covered unless the employee provides a business
justification and receives prior approval.
Overtime Considerations:
If the total travel and work hours exceed the 44-hour workweek threshold (or other provincial overtime limits), overtime
rules apply based on the hours the employee would have worked or traveled using the employer-provided option.
Conditions for choosing to drive
To ensure fairness:
Employees must inform their manager in advance of their intent to drive and receive written approval.
Any additional time spent driving is unpaid unless explicitly agreed upon.
Mileage reimbursement is limited to the most direct route between the departure and destination points.
Employees assume personal responsibility for delays or added costs due to their decision to drive.
If an employee opts to drive to a work site instead of taking a flight provided by the employer, they will be compensated
for travel time equivalent to the duration of the flight plus reasonable pre- and post-flight time (e.g., airport check-in,
security clearance, and ground transport). Mileage will be reimbursed at the company’s standard rate for the most
direct route. Any additional costs or time resulting from the decision to drive are the responsibility of the employee
unless approved in writing by their manager.